Video of our latest Dutch castaway on Amparo Island

Apr 21, 2017 · Docastaway Clients

Here above you can see the beautiful video which Kai from the Netherlands made as a keepsake of his 8 days SOLO experience on the Amparo desert island (Indonesia), July 2016.

This was the feedback he sent us

The first couple houres after being dropped on Amparo island were very strange. The sound of driving cars or talking humans changed into the sound of clashing waves and tropical birds.

After a while I got used to it and it became a unique kind of feeling. Now I was on my own, just as I hoped. I didn’t expect that building a decent shelter took that much time. Luckily I was finished right on time before the first rain came down. I had never experienced a rain shower as I did in Indonesia: constantly and without interruption, day after day.

The first two nights I couldn’t sleep. After a few minutes my eyes already got used to the darkness, I could see the white sand on the ground because it got reflected by the Moonlight. Still it was hard to indicate what kind of creatures were crawling on the sand. Due to the persistent rainfalls I stopped trying to make a fire because it took lots of energy.

After a few cold nights, the rain stopped. I woke up and got out of my selfmade bamboo-bed. While the sun was rising I walked to the shoreline. The seawater was suprisingly warm. In a few minutes my body temperature was back to normal, it felt great!

Later that day I spotted the first monitor lizards which were hiding in the mangroves. Their footprints were everywhere, even in my camp.

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