John’s 11 day solitary survival experience in Gambolo

Feb 18, 2013 · Docastaway Clients

This New Yorker decided to venture out and live several days in solitary on our Gambolo desert island (January 2013). We’ve picked him up “safe and sound” and ready to tell us about his experience:

His tent was just one of the things he decided to deprive himself of.  He wanted to build his very own shelter, using green leaves and bamboo and, according to what he’s told us, it was a successful decision. He did admit, however, that for the first couple of nights he ‘showered’ very well due to a massive storm!

Our American docastawayer told us that he had had three visits from local fishermen and that, paradoxically, these visits made up some of his most special moments, out of the many that he had whilst on the island. John tried his luck fishing with his speargun, and with hooks from his canoe, but in the end he found a better method of fishing! He used his mosquito net as fishing net in the waterholes which he found at low tide. During his days on the island he also discovered the usefulness of smoke from his campfire to keep the insects at bay, so he made sure he had a lighted fire beside him every night and all night long.

He also told us that although he had seen tracks of wild pigs he hadn’t actually seen any, but that the monitor lizards became his best friends because they roamed about near his shelter, which helped keep the rodents away.

A short description is displayed by hovering the mouse pointer over the photo:

Arriving at Gambolo desert islandsJohn decided that this would be his camp area

 A beautiful sunrise viewed from his shelter

Huge storm on the wayJohn´s camp areaPreparing the campfire

John´s delicious lunchPhoto taken from Gambolo’s rocks

Another storm Another beautiful sunrise from the refugeHe built a nice shelter with leaves and bamboo, and made a hammockThis is how we found John when we arrived to take him back to the mainland on his last dayJohn and one of our staff before going back to the mainland

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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Francine Bonessi Mayerhofer April 3, 2013 at 11:49 pm

Totally awesome….Thanks for sharing.


Denise Alberto-Bonessi April 4, 2013 at 12:46 pm

how did you post it like that – I can't figure it out


Francine Bonessi Mayerhofer April 4, 2013 at 3:12 pm

It was in blue highlight.


Alvaro Docastaway April 14, 2013 at 4:54 pm

You are welcome!


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