June 2017

How is the desert island of the Australian Robinson?

June 5, 2017 Curiosities by Alvaro Cerezo
Thumbnail image for How is the desert island of the Australian Robinson?

As I have already related in another post, two years ago I spent five days on the castaway squatter’s island, the Australian David Glasheen. It is called Restoration Island and in this article I will try to keep brief my accounts about this encounter…

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Spending 5 days with squatter-castaway David Glasheen

June 2, 2017 Curiosities by Alvaro Cerezo
Thumbnail image for Spending 5 days with squatter-castaway David Glasheen

It was 20 years ago this month that David Glasheen decided to abandon civilisation and become a voluntary castaway. His story is well known, as it has been previously published in various communication media some years ago.

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