Video of our latest group on Siroktabe Island

May 09, 2017 · Docastaway Clients

Here above you can see the nice video which this 6 castaways made as a keepsake of his 10 days experience on the Siroktabe desert island (Indonesia), March 2017.

This was the feedback they sent us:

​It was a fantastic experience! While eating way less food then we were used to, we all had enough energy to be able to explore the island everyday and find ways to gather, catch and hunt for food. Although with some inevitable energy dips of course…


150x cassave roots
25x coconuts
1x ripe papayas
3x unripe cooked papayas
15x large shells
40x fishes (small/medium size)
40x large crabs
1x fruit bat
1000x sea almonds
50x beans
1x banana flower
1x langoustine
15x oysters
36x ripe bananas
small shells

After 10 days we lost from 2 to 7 kg

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